By updating the post with e-learning specific information and guidelines, this post reflects the most accurate information as of January 2022. Please note that live streaming platform technology and pricing change regularly. In this post, we’re going to talk about the evolving digital learning industry before we compare 10 of the most powerful live streaming classroom platforms for creating an online live class platform for education. In order to bring your live streaming classroom to life, educational establishments need to invest in proper video streaming software. Capturing lectures also gives professors the ability to save and upload the videos for students to playback if they missed the session or need to go back and rewatch part of the lesson. Video allows for real-time interaction and a virtual classroom-like feel. Live streaming, in particular, is a very useful technology for distance learning. The global situation continues to change on a regular basis, and access to online education has helped students navigate all of the recent ups and downs. The value of online learning has come to light since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Students with day jobs can log in to complete their school work in the evenings. Students who live in rural Georgia can attend classes in Los Angeles.

Online learning has made education more accessible to students around the world.